
Steph McDougal’s previous consulting firm specialized in instructional design, training and education, and performance improvement. After relocating to Houston, Texas, in 2005, to pursue a master of science in historic preservation, McDougal refocused the professional services provided and renamed the firm McDoux Preservation LLC. Since then, McDoux has worked with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the occasional individual property owner to help our clients identify historic resources and determine how to best steward them for the future. We’re proud that many of our clients have worked with us for years on multiple engagements. We have also partnered with larger firms to provide specialized services.

Although McDoux has had up to six employees in the past, today Steph McDougal is once again running a solo shop, with the ability to bring on additional support as needed. Everyone who works for McDoux meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Professional Qualifications as defined in 36 CFR 61.